What Is Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP)?
Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is a well-researched and advance method of correcting the spine via specific adjustments, specific exercises that pertain to each person, and specific traction set-ups (Note: We’re very specific). There is an acronym that CBP coined: E.A.T. EAT stands for: exercise, adjust, traction. While it doesn’t have to be performed in that exact order, those are the 3 main components to real CBP best practices. CBP is a technique created by the late-Dr. Don Harrison — an engineer, as well as, Doctor of Chiropractic. Today, his son, Dr. Deed Harrison carries the torch alongside a team of well-established Chiropractors teaching and helping people across the country. They run an amazing practice, as well as, teaching facility, Ideal Spine, in Boise, Idaho.
Note: It is evidently clear that many Chiropractors claim they practice CBP because they use a certain instrument or add a single component of CBP to their method. However, real CBP practitioners utilize corrective exercises, specific traction set-ups, and mirror-image adjusting. They will follow a certain protocol. Also, CBP practitioners will also have completed an intensive 7-day training receiving the organizations stamp of approval (certification).
Dr. Harrison concluded that the spine, in fact, has normal values/angles. Using math and engineering principles, he established normal ranges for the entire spine. On average, the neck spine should have about 42 degrees of a curve. Note: This is just an average from a sample population. There is a window of +/- 10 degrees. It is crucially important that every person try to maintain their spine within normal limits to prevent further disease and degeneration of the spine. Often times, medical practitioners will diagnose people with Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease. While not a life-threatening condition, having DJD/DDD can cause pain and discomfort, as well as, self-esteem issues when it comes to posture. Additionally, abnormal spinal structure leads to disease-causing tension on the spinal cord — an extension of the brain and an important component to our Central Nervous System. This phenomena usually happens over many months/years. However, in some cases, loss of normal curves may occur after a traumatic event.
Correcting the spine is not a procedure for the faint of heart. It requires dedication and perseverance. While not a painful experience, it is certainly not the most comfortable being in a specific traction set-up for up to 20–25 minutes 2–3x per week. Additionally, patient compliance is the crux of positive outcome. Doctors of Chiropractic trained in CBP will also prescribe home care that is required to do every day. While not as intensive as in-office, doing your “homework” certainly aids the doctor during office visits.
Besides concluding that the spine has normal values, Drs. Harrison also established why 20–25 minutes of specific traction is a must. A concept called, ligamentous creep or deformation, is introduced.
Ligamentous creep is simply the changing of structure of said ligament(s). Our spine is held together by a vast and complex network of ligaments. Without our ligaments, we would literally be a bag of bones. Ligaments also support the shape of our spine and ultimately, structure. Ever seen a person who is hunched over or has their head off of their shoulders? You can conclude that their spine is also the same shape. Having them fix their posture is temporary effect that does not equal structural changes. The ligaments have also deformed to that same shape. Correcting this structure will take time, resilience, and most importantly — effort.
It is estimated that to correct abnormal spine curves can take anywhere from 24–32+ visits. It is recommended that patients visit their CBP-trained Chiropractor 2–3x per week until the end of care. Usually, at the end of their initial phase of care, a progress exam will be done to see the results. Another round of treatment may or may not be recommended at that time.
At our office, we use 2 highly-regarded techniques: Upper Cervical (Orthospinology Procedures) and Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP). Dr. Modi has specifically crafted a method to combine both techniques — a mission he was on since he was a student at Life University. Today, he practices just that. Using the specificity of both advanced techniques, he is able to help many people, producing outstanding results.
To get in touch with Dr. Milan Modi, you may email him at info@eastcobbchiropractic.com. He currently owns an office in the East Cobb community of Marietta, Georgia — East Cobb Chiropractic.